👨🏻‍💻 About Me

I am Xuzhao Li (李旭钊), an incoming M.S. student at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), supervised by Prof. Fang Deng (IET Fellow).

Before that, I received my B.E. degree in Automation at School of Automation (AC) from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) in Jun. 2024.

I am grateful to be growing up and studying with my twin brother Xuchen Li, which is a truly unique and special experience for me.

My research focuses on Multi-agent Path Planning, and Trajectory Prediction. If you are interested in my work or would like to collaborate, please feel free to contact me.

🔥 News

  • 2024.06: 👨‍🎓 Obtain my B.E. degree from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). I will always remember the wonderful 4 years I spent here. Thanks to all!
  • 2024.05: 🏆 Obtain TeliXu Scholarship (徐特立奖学金) (~8/15000, the highest honor in BIT)!
  • 2024.04: 🏆 Obtain Beijing Outstanding Graduates (北京市优秀毕业生) (top %5, only 14 students obtain this honor of AC, BIT)!
  • 2023.12: 🏆 Obtain China National Scholarship (国家奖学金) with a rank of 1/196 (0.5%) (the highest honor for undergraduates in China, awarded to top 2% students of BIT)!
  • 2023.11: 🏆 Obtain Merit Student Pacesetter (北京理工大学优秀学生标兵) (only 1 student obtain this honor of AC, BIT)!
  • 2022.12: 🏆 Obtain China National Scholarship (国家奖学金) with a rank of 4/255 (1.5%) (the highest honor for undergraduates in China, awarded to top 2% students of BIT)!

📖 Educations


2020.09 - now, Undergraduate student
Automation, GPA: 3.9/4.0, ranking 3/196, Overall Ranking 4/196 (2%)
School of Automation
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing

💻 Research Experiences

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • TeliXu Scholarship (徐特立奖学金), ~8/15000, at Beijing Institute of Technology, 2024
  • China National Scholarship (国家奖学金), My Rank: 1/196 (0.5%), at BIT, by Ministry of Education of China, 2023
  • China National Scholarship (国家奖学金), My Rank: 4/255 (1.5%), at BIT, by Ministry of Education of China, 2022
  • Beijing Outstanding Graduates (北京市优秀毕业生), at BIT, by Beijing Municipal Education Commission, 2024
  • Merit Student Pacesetter (北京理工大学优秀学生标兵), at Beijing Institute of Technology, 2023

🔗 Services

  • Reviewer: ICPR 2024

🤝 Collaborators

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